
(Isn’t there an app for that?)

I am starting this blog to hold my thoughts. My old ‘portfolio’ felt dead and
was not a good representation of my current thinking. I plan to put incomplete
ideas, complete posts, and everything else here. There are going to be many
mistakes made. I will probably look back on entries and wonder what the
hell I was thinking. Oh well.

Having recently read Jaron Lanier’s Dawn of the New Everything (read it!), I
am committing to making incremental progress in my projects as opposed to
taking a perfectionist black/white approach. Lanier inspired me with his
measured optimism without utopianism. This blog represents the first step in
that direction. We don’t have to solve complex problems completely, just make
improvements. Maybe at some point our current solutions must be reinvented to
be improved, but I believe that reinvention is a part of a natural evolution of

Apologies for all future misspellings, grammatical errors and general erroneous statements.

Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy sailing the vast internet seas!

spiral aaron